Makaton For Babies

We run Makaton Sign Sharing For Babies and Families workshops four times a year.

Each block consists of six sessions, which will run weekly on a Thursday from 10:00am to 10.30am.

2023 Blocks 

Starting 18th May


The groups are led by Katy Lironi, Down’s Syndrome Scotland Makaton Tutor and ABC (Achieving Better Communication) tutor. The sessions are for parents and carer members with their babies of up to 1 year old (upper age limit negotiable). Sessions incorporate Makaton sign sharing, oral motor exercises and songs with Makaton. It is hoped babies can join in the sessions, but don’t worry if they fall asleep or need fed during the session, there is plenty still to be learned! All the sessions are recorded so if you are unable to commit to the day or timeslot you can access the sessions via these recording. For more information about this please email

All of our online sessions comply with our Online Safeguarding policy, this can be accessed here, please take the time to read this policy prior to your session if you have any questions we are more than happy to answer them.

“Katy’s enthusiasm really made this a great block of classes. Really enjoyed the sessions”
 Parent who attended


These sessions are free and you can book your place via Hub 21, if you are not yet a member or would like more information please email