Aberdeen – City & Shire

GRAMPIAN REGULAR EVENTS - image50For over 25 years, the Aberdeen – City & Shire branch (formally Grampian Branch) has brought together families with connections to Down’s syndrome. The membership area covers Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.

The Branch aims to support people and families with Down’s syndrome by providing social groups every month for all age groups.

It also holds special events like ceilidhs and discos where everyone comes together whatever age they might be.

More recently, the branch has held workshops and courses that not only aim to help the children in the group but the wider community by making them available to carers and professionals.

The Family Support Service Officer for the area is Debbie Campbell, Debbie supports families and professionals with a range of topics including early years development, education, behaviour concerns and support assessing adult services. Contact Debbie by emailing debbie@dsscotland.org.uk or calling her on 07825 033803.